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[Health] Hair transplant, how long can it be transplanted?

2013-05-28 19:05

Reporter Jeong Yong- un Input time: 2013.05.24 10:02:36
Modified time: 2013.05.24 10:02:36

Recently, the number of young patients who have missed the treatment period and are looking for hair transplantation is increasing due to the progression of hair loss to the crown . Only wigs and hair transplants are the only solution to hair loss that has already progressed . There are many people who actually want to have their own hair through hair transplantation rather than wigs that have a lot of trouble with daily life . For a large area of ​​hair transplant, a large-capacity hair transplant is the best solution. Then, how many hairs can be transplanted at once, Kim Jin-oh, the director of the NHI New Hair Hair Transplantation Center, tried to find out.

▲ How many hairs can be transplanted in one surgery = Depending on the person, up to 3,000 hair follicles are possible in one surgery. This is up to 6,000 to 8,000 hairs. If you transplant this amount of hair at once, you can cover a fairly large area. If the health and density of the back hair to be collected for hair transplantation is good, it is possible to transplant more than 3,000 hair follicles. If you want to transplant more than 3,000 hair follicles with a non-incision method, you can do a large-scale hair transplant by performing the surgery in two days.

▲ Is the amount of hair transplanted better?  = Most hospitals advertise a lot about the amount of transplantation, but if an effective transplant method is not followed, the amount of transplantation itself is meaningless. The surgery plan is made according to the transplant range, and it is a necessary process to obtain a greater effect by controlling the hair transplant direction and density when the same amount is transplanted .

▲ What is the way to look more abundant with the same amount of transplantation = If the density and direction of the pores are made as planned, the hair follicles transplanted here will grow as they are. The SLIT method of hair transplantation is a very free method in controlling the angle and density. In hair transplantation, the density of the transplant and the direction in which the hair grows are very important. Hairstyles that are naturally formed according to the hair growth angle can better cover the scalp and enrich the hair.

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