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Let’s prevent hair follicle
destruction and promote
quick hair production!

Hair Loss Examination / Treatment Program
Unlike stem cell culture or PRP, we regulate the cycle of
hair follicle growth by providing a high, stable dose of
cytokines to promote hair growth among hereditary hair loss patients.


The thinning and density of hair in different areas where there is significant hair loss can be compared, and the health condition of the hair can be measured. It is possible to
observe the current hair loss pattern closely, and how it will progress in the future by checking the thinning or hair loss in each area. Through this method, long-term hair
loss treatment plans can be established for those who are suffering from hair loss, or those who are considering hair transplant.

Treatment Method

Determination of the examination site

Density check with folliscope

Comparison of hair condition by site

Comparison of changes in the hair condition by period

Hair Volume Check. The changes in hair loss and the state of the hair/scalp can be precisely observed.

In 1990, NHI New Hair thought that measuring the density of the hair by dividing the area of the scalp, as shown in the picture, to check the degree of hair thinning would be an important guide in managing hair loss. After setting the area of the hair, it is possible to compare the thinning and the density of the hair in different areas, and the current state of the hair can be measured. Moreover, the effect of medication can be gauged through the data at the starting point and the data on dosing duration when hair loss is managed through Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar, etc.). This way, hair loss treatment or hair transplant plans can be established for those who are worried about hair loss or those who are considering undergoing hair transplant. This method was first published in 1990 by William R. Rassman, M.D. of L.A. NHI is now highly respected worldwide.

Hair Volume Check

We have recently introduced new equipment to better identify the progress of hair loss and the condition of the hair at present. I saw Haircheck, a device that can measure hair volume, in the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in Boston for the first time.
The hair volume check device not only compares the volume of hair loss area with the volume of back hair through exact quantification,
but it also compares the measured record at the time of medical examination to determine how much hair loss has progressed.
The machine makes comparison much easier because the parts, which we could only recognize when the visual difference is clear, have been digitized.

Convenience of hair volume check

When hair loss is progressing, the hair in the affected area starts thinning
before hair loss occurs. Thinning continues until hair loss becomes more
obvious. Drug treatments, such as Finasteride (Propecia) and Dutasteride
(Avodart), reduce such miniaturization and keep the hair thick. In this case,
improvement of the condition of the hair can be seen objectively if hair check is
used. It can also be used as a basis to determine whether a particular hair loss
product is effective.

New Hair's Hair Loss Treatment Program

The cytokines, which consist of important elements specifically for scalp care
and hair loss treatment, are directly and stably supplied to the hair follicles. They
are directly involved in hereditary hair loss treatment by steadily administering a
high concentration of growth factors to the hair follicles and by suppressing the
action of the substances induced by DHT. Growth factors regulate one of the
causes of hereditary hair loss, negative cytokines or BMP, to prevent the
destruction of the hair follicle cells. The program is a very essential form of
treatment to induce hair growth. The synergy called hair growth promotion to
suppress hair loss could be obtained by widening the range of medical
treatments that have only been limited to Finasteride and Minoxidil.