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When is the best time to transplant hair?

2014-07-18 19:05

When is the best time to transplant hair?

Article registration date and time [2014-07-17 10:11:44] Last revision date and time [2014-07-18 09:47:47]

【Seoul = Newsis】 Reporter Min Ki-hong = When you visit a hair transplant hospital, there are many patients in their 50s or older who have already undergone significant hair loss. Most of them started to lose hair in their late 20s, and it was difficult to accept the fact that it was hair loss.

He wanted to believe that he could be cured with medicine or food, and numerous advertisements aroused his will.

However, only three ingredients have been scientifically found to be effective against hair loss: dutasteride, minoxidil, and finasteride. Nevertheless, it is unfortunate that meaningless products are seducing hair loss patients in the market and causing them both temporal and mental damage.

If patients in their 50s started proper medication a little earlier, hair loss at the head of the head at least could have been prevented to some extent, and hair transplantation for the scarce parts would have significantly improved their appearance. After undergoing hair transplant surgery, patients in their 50s consistently say,’Why did we start now?’

In response, Jin-oh Kim, director of the NHI New Hair Hair Transplantation Center, said on the 17th, “If you are in your 50s or if you have already had a lot of hair loss, the amount to be transplanted will increase. said.

He said, “If you visit a hospital with enough transplantable hair, you can do mass transplantation of 8,000 hairs in one operation, so the hair condition of the back hair donor is more important than anything else. He advised that the first thing to do is to keep the remaining hair in a hurry to treat hair loss in a conventional way.”

The basic principle of hair transplantation is to collect hair from the back of the hair that does not fall out forever and transplant it to the hair loss area. That’s why it is better to do a hair transplant when the back hair is healthy even a little.

Older people can afford to think carefully about hair transplants and, if economic conditions allow, they want more expensive and better surgery. If you add timely and quick decisions, you will get better results.

On the other hand, the age group who visits hair transplant hospitals as much as in their 50s is men in their late twenties to early thirties. Although it hasn’t been long since hair loss began, their hairline is deformed due to the wider forehead, which complains of mental stress.

He tries to cover his bangs down, but when he sweats or the wind blows, he is helpless, and he complains that social life is difficult because the scalp is exposed due to the thinner hair.

It is advisable to start hair loss treatment while taking medicine, check the current condition of the hair and the trend of hair loss for a long time, and then discuss the future hair transplant plan with a specialist, but young hair loss patients have difficulty withstanding the current situation.

Director Kim Jin-oh said, “If you manage hair loss from a young age, you can get more effective results, and if you watch the hair loss trend every six months or one year, you can judge how much hair transplantation is needed at what point.” When it comes to transplantation, it is more important not to lose any more precious hair by making a long-term plan rather than making hasty surgery decisions.”

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