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It is essential to take a day off after the hair transplant procedure.

It is essential to take a day off after the hair transplant procedure.

|Article Input 2013-07-02 11:18

【Seoul = Newsis】 Reporter Yoo Hee-yeon = There are not a few people who visit the hospital for the purpose of simple procedures or treatments during the summer vacation season.

As the hair loss population increases, the number of people who want to receive hair transplants using this period is increasing.

If so, is it possible in a short vacation period from hair transplantation to recovery?

According to the NHI New Hair Hair Transplant Center, a hair transplant specialty hospital on the 2nd, daily life is possible from the day after receiving a hair transplant.

Kim Jin-oh, director of the NHI New Hair Hair Transplant Center, said, “With the development of hair transplantation itself as well as better management after surgery, daily life has become possible from the next day even after a large amount of hair transplantation surgery.”

He said, “Because the surgery is performed for a long time, it is desirable to take a day off the next day.”

According to Director Kim, a certain amount of drugs is used to prevent swelling before and after hair transplantation and during surgery, but it usually takes about 4 to 5 days for the swelling to disappear.

When you visit the hospital the next day after surgery, you will receive training on postoperative care after shampooing your hair.

The transplanted hair will all fall out within 3-4 weeks, so don’t worry.

Director Kim said, “Because the transplanted hair is entering the resting period, you can think of it as a ready state for healthy new hair to grow.” You don’t have to worry.”

After transplantation, the missing hair grows into fine hair (fluffy length) at the time of about 3 months, and after 6 months to 1 year, the fully grown hair can be confirmed.

According to Director Kim, this period requires efforts such as visiting a hospital regularly to review the procedure and improving wrong lifestyle habits.

Director Kim said, “The hair transplant site has a red aura and scabs are formed after transplantation.” “It shows a pattern that lasts up to 3 months.”

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