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Review after Surgery

Surgery stories of New Hair clients

This is the review of the 2nd day of SMP scalp tattoo treatment at New Hair Clinic!


Hello, I am leaving a review on the 2nd day after the procedure. The picture is right after the procedure. 

It’s been 1 year and 3 months since I took the hair loss medication, but I didn’t see any effect, so I was looking for a hair transplant. While researching scalp tattoos after being diagnosed with a scalp tattoo at several hospitals saying, “The crown is not a good indication for hair transplantation.  It is difficult to expect a dramatic effect.” After seeing the thesis activity  , I thought it was reliable, and I was satisfied with the YouTube video, the good reviews from people, and the consultation with the teacher, so I finally decided to get a scalp tattoo.

The operation was carried out on June 16th. Since the procedure was not performed with a needle, it did not hurt much, and it was only stinging. It took about 2 hours,  but there was no boredom because I was watching Netflix. The only disappointing thing is that I thought that the density would be a bit lower when I used the parting at home, and seeing that the  people around me also thought the same as me, I thought that the density should be sufficiently compensated for the next retouch. And since they offer free retouching for 6 months after the first treatment  , I think this is really good from the standpoint of receiving the treatment. I think it will get better when I get retouched, but I hope that day will come sooner.


[The review written by ooo was posted with the consent of the patient.]
