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You can make a’small face’ with only hairline correction

2014-08-04 19:05

You can make a’small face’ with only hairline correction

Face shape is one of the most important factors that determine a pretty face. The face shape is determined by the shape of the chin line and hairline.

Recently, more and more women are trying to make a desired face shape by making a small and pretty forehead through hairline hair transplantation.

This is because the natural and round hairline fits the overall proportion of the face and gives the effect that the face looks small.

As such, the face cannot be said to be pretty when it has an absolutely certain shape, and it is important how well it harmonizes with the other parts of the face. Depending on the harmony of the beautiful features and the shape of your face, the feeling of your appearance can vary greatly.

Kim Jin-oh, director of the NHI New Hair Women’s Hairline Correction Center, explained, “In the past, most people wanted to transplant hair due to male alopecia, but now more young women want to correct hairline for cosmetic purposes, and the proportion of female patients is approaching half.” did.

As such, hair transplant hospitals are turning into specialized centers for hairline correction for women and young men as well as men suffering from genetic hair loss.

Hairline correction is performed through hair transplantation, but it is not a large and complicated operation. In addition, since you will be transplanted using your own hair, you can get a natural correction effect if only the orientation and design of the transplant are good.

Director Kim Jin-oh said, “In hairline correction, the design, orientation, thickness of the hair according to the location of the transplantation, and the density of the transplanted hair must be considered in order to make the result natural.”

If any of these four things are lacking, the awkwardness cannot be erased. In order to make the hair look natural rather than tying up too neatly, the recent hair style tends to make the side hair a little, and the aegyo hair next to the ear tends to curl slightly, so you need to understand the hair characteristics of the hairline side accurately. It is necessary to have a transplant.

In addition, in order to obtain a natural result in hairline correction, the hair collected from one’s back hair should be well-divided according to the thickness, and a smooth gradation should be applied from the forehead to the crown.

The more it comes to the front of the forehead, the more it looks natural when the fine hair is mainly transplanted, so the design and dense transplantation are basic, and the direction of the hair to be transplanted and the transplantation of the fine hair are most important.

Director Kim said, “If you want to make a beautiful forehead with hairline correction, if possible, use a microscope in the preoperative process to realize fine hair, and check carefully whether the low-temperature preservation of the transplanted hair is effective and how the post-operative management program is installed. I like it,” he advised.